How To Ace Your Black Friday Campaigns For 2023
Nov 23, 2022
Social Media Marketing News

Acing Black Friday campaigns is an essential trick in any marketer’s playbook.
What began as a tactic to encourage shopping on America’s day off after Thanksgiving, Black Friday has grown into a world wide extravaganza. Brands would be remiss not to jump on the sale fest.
But with the majority of brands joining in on the Black Friday chaos, how do you ensure that your campaign stands out?
To help you out, we have put together a list of the best tactics to ensure you produce the best Black Friday campaign you can.
Optimise your site for SERPS
With every retailer and their mother engaging in Black Friday campaigns, standing out can be difficult.
A sure fire way to get your name out there however, is by optimising your website for SEO. By keeping SEO in mind, you are ensuring that your site appears at the top of SERPS, rather than all the way at the bottom.
To optimise your site for SERPS, make sure your landing page has a speedy loading time. Also, take time to clarify the names of products and their descriptions, so that they show up easier when people search for them.
Finally, make good use of your social media. It’s there for a reason, so make sure to pump out lots of great Black-Friday-related content.
Ensure your site is mobile ready
Preparing your site for mobile purchases is an integral part of all the most successful Black Friday campaigns.
Since 2014, mobile phones have been the primary source of Black Friday purchases. In fact, in 2021 79% of all sales occurred on mobile devices. These numbers continue to grow year by year, so ensuring that your site is optimised for mobile use is key to maximising your Black Friday campaign potential.
Get ahead of the curve
A sure fire way to ensure that your campaign is at the forefront of people’s minds, is to launch it nice and early. Consumers will be experiencing a flood of Black Friday campaigns, so ensuring yours is out ahead of the curve creates a lasting impression.
A great way to do this is by prepping your audience for months in advance via email marketing and social media. Through Black Friday email campaigns, you can offer special deals to your subscribers and generate excitement. Via Black Friday social media campaigns, you can tease offers and build anticipation.
As a result, by the time Black Friday rolls around, your audience is excited and ready to purchase.
@ultabeauty We love an early #blackfriday sale ?? shop these deals from 11/7-11/19! #ultasale #skincare #ultahaul
Update and verify all stock information
A large piece of ensuring your site is optimised for Black Friday is updating and verifying all your stock information.
If all goes well, you should have a large wave of first time customers making purchases on Black Friday. Thus, it is key that their first experience with your site is easy and simple. Make sure all your items are restocked and take this opportunity to stamp hard to sell items with great deals.
Furthermore, be sure to include a customer review section in your site. It has been found that just one review can increase sales by up to 10%!
Have great customer support ready to go
Next up in acing your Black Friday campaigns, is customer service.
Having an effective, easy-to-use customer service process is key to having your customers return – even after Black Friday is over. A great option that many retailers engage with is ChatBots. ChatBots, when done correctly, provide top tier customer service to all your customers; no matter how many!
If your customers feel like they are waiting around for information, or not getting enough attention to complete their purchase, then they will simply move on to another retailer. So prioritise their experience!
Influencer collaborations
As with many areas of marketing, influencer collaborations are an excellent way to bring success to your Black Friday campaigns.
Utilise influencer collaborations to reach a broader audience, build excitement around your sales, and share genuine product testimonials with your consumers.
@refybeauty We’ve extended our Black Friday Offer! Get 20% off everything until midnight tomorrow! #refybeauty #blackfridaydeals #blackfriday #sale #makeup #refybrows
Create holiday-specific promotion codes
Generating promo codes that are specific to Black Friday establishes a sense of urgency in your customers that fuels more higher sales rates.
The key to acing your promo codes is making them easy to use and find.
To do so, some great ideas include having a pop-up on your site that advertises the codes to all visitors, requiring customers to include their email address to access promo codes, including a banner at the top of your site that shows off your codes, and automatically applying codes to customers baskets at the check out.
Email-based campaigns
Engaging with email-based Black Friday campaigns is a fantastic tactic to build buzz in your existing audience. Via email, you can tease subscriber-only deals, give out links for early access to sales, and offer free gifts with subscriber purchases.
As a result, your subscribers feel valued and are far more likely to purchase through you not only this year, but in the years ahead as well.
Prolong your Black Friday campaigns
Black Friday is no longer just a 24 hour affair. For the more popular Black Friday campaigns, sales last all month long.
Prolonging your sales for longer than just the Black Friday day encourages more purchases, and keeps you part of the ‘it crowd’, rather than falling behind on trends.
By extending your Black Friday deals towards Christmas, you gain the opportunity to offer up larger discounts and clear out even more stock ahead of the end of year. In contrast, by starting your campaign early and running it through to Black Friday, you create the chance to get ahead of competitors and score purchases before they’ve even begun their sales.
Holiday gift guides
Creating and advertising holiday gift guides as part of your Black Friday campaigns make it simple and quick for consumers to cross as many people off their present lists as possible.
According to the many Black Friday campaign examples, gift guides organised by recipients work best; so focus on creating lists for Mums, Dads, and the like.
You can even go as far as to create Instagram guides for your followers. Make sure to embed links to your guides wherever possible on your social media so as to increase site traffic.
Utilise social media
As we have mentioned several times over the course of this guide, social media is an integral part of ensuring your Black Friday campaigns are successful.
Using a combination of organic posts and paid ads is your best bet in terms of social media. Paid ads ensure that you are reaching a broad audience and bringing in new customers. Again, make sure to include embedded links in your posts and ads to your site, in order to make it easy for users to access your sales.
Make it fun!
Our final tip is keep it fun and unique.
The market for Black Friday campaigns is incredibly stuffed. Thus, the most successful Black Friday campaigns are creative and interesting. Beyond this, unique campaigns trend on social media, bringing in even more potential customers.
How do you promote Black Friday?
You can promote Black Friday through your social media and email subscriptions. When engaging with social media, ensure you are using both organic posts and paid ads to achieve the best Black Friday social media campaign possible.
Why did Black Friday become so popular?
Black Friday has steadily grown in popularity since its inception due to its proximity to the holiday season. Consumers are able to dust off their holiday shopping early and at a lower price point.
How do you stand out on Black Friday?
To stand out on Black Friday, launch your campaign early and make certain it is fun and unique.
When should I start advertising for Black Friday?
Whilst it is never too early to start advertising for Black Friday, beginning your campaign mid-October is best practice. Any earlier, and your audience may lose interest.
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