The Best Instagram Features for Marketers in 2023
Jul 09, 2021
Social Media Platforms

We don’t blame those who think Instagram marketing consists of just a few sponsored Posts, but as Instagram features are constantly changing, it’s important to stay on top of the possibilities Instagram can provide for marketers.
Whilst Instagram is a platform best reserved for visual marketing – as opposed to somewhere like X that is a discussion-based platform – that isn’t to say that the features available are in any way limited to the traditional grid format we originally know Instagram for.
It is estimated that 3 out of 5 Instagram users fall within the 18 – 34 age bracket, meaning brands and creators often target their content or use the features with the knowledge that the majority of viewers would be Gen Z or younger Millennials.
This demographic generally values authentic and engaging content that provides entertainment or value in some way, so it’s important to utilise the whole range of Instagram features available to tap into this where possible.
With all this in mind, keep reading to see our list of the best Instagram features you should know about for any of your marketing needs in 2023!
Professional Dashboard
Despite being launched in November 2020, your dashboard remains one of the most useful tools on Instagram to monitor your reach and Post analytics.
It is available to businesses and creators and helps to track your Post performance and increase your visibility on your story, reel and post insights.This makes one of the most useful Instagram features for marketing, as you can track the progress of a campaign and the relevant data quickly and easily.
Shoppable tags
It is easier than ever to shop for products through Instagram with the Shoppable Links feature. This can be applied to Posts and Stories to make finding exact products as convenient as possible for consumers.
Post collabs
This Instagram feature makes brand collaborations or influencer collaborations much easier and coherent for users. It allows a Post to be edited jointly between two accounts and shares it to both pages. This also means it allows for greater visibility between followers of both pages.
Story captions
Instagram added this feature to open up platform accessibility – and in 2023, accessibility is a MUST!
You can add auto-generated captions to your Stories which can be translated into 90 different languages, widening the reach of your marketing content. The captions are also fully editable if the auto generated text is not quite accurate.
Story highlights
It can be a little disheartening seeing your Stories disappear after 24 hours, but luckily the Stories Highlights feature allows you to keep them – private or public – indefinitely! This is particularly useful as it means that the reach of your Story posts does not have to be time limited and people can refer back to the post as many times as they like. For more Stories Highlights info, check out our blog post here!
Pinned posts and comments
Similarly to the Story Highlights, these Instagram features mean that certain Posts and comments can be pinned to your page. For Posts, this means that they are at the top of your feed so they are the most viewed and easily accessible of the posts on your page. Below Posts, you can also pin comments to keep them at the top of everyone’s comment section to push opinions and information to other Instagram users.
Remix or template Instagram Reels
According to Instagram, 91% of active Instagram users watch videos on the app weekly and to make Reels even easier to make, Instagram added the ability to remix or template other people’s videos. This is one of the most helpful Instagram features, as it allows people to produce high quality content without necessarily having to edit the video much themselves outside of the app.
Instagram added this feature this year, which allows users to pay a monthly subscription fee to receive exclusive content from their favourite creators. This encourages creators to stay on the platform as well as allows them to engage with their subscribed followers in a new and exciting way.
Live streams
Instagram’s live streaming feature allows marketers and creators to interact organically with their audience and engage with them in a different way to the other features – such as replying to comments. Instagram recently updated this feature to allow up to 4 people to join the livestream together at once, meaning that the possibilities of this feature are constantly expanding too.
Interactive Story features – Polls, Sliding Voting features etc
Instagram’s range of interactive Story features are the perfect tools to engage your audience and make them more receptive to Instagram marketing opportunities. You can choose from Polls, Question Boxes, Countdowns and so much more to build hype around your projects and make your content feel more organic for your followers.
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