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Feb 13, 2023

Marketing News

Weekly Marketing News, 10th February 2023

What’s this? Viewers get de-influenced, Instagram expands gifting, TikTok is stealing your data, creators take over the Super Bowl, and you can’t have your Muff and drink it.  PLATFORM NEWS 1. TikTok cre […]

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Feb 13, 2023

Social Media Platforms

Decanting the Beverage Industry

To keep up with the modern world, industries are expanding their presence and marketing efforts into the online world.  The beverage industry's global market size […]

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Feb 09, 2023

Social Media Platforms

Instagram Collaboration: What it is and why it works

Instagram isn’t shy when it comes to adding new features and updates to its platform. While there have been just a handful of occasions where these have quite literally enraged users (does the infamous layout update of summer 2022 ring any alarm bells?), all other u […]

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Feb 06, 2023

Social Media Platforms

A Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing on YouTube

For many of us, influencer marketing is ingrained into our daily lives. It’s there when we scroll through our favourite social media platforms and even creeps up on us when we’re out shopping and see a product associated with “that one influencer on YouTube who […]

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