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Jun 17, 2021

Social Media Marketing News

Top 10 On-Page SEO Factors you need to know in 2023

What is On-Page SEO? On-page SEO (sometimes referred to as “on-site SEO”) is the practice of optimising web-page content for search engines and users. On-page SEO factors include optimising title tags, keyworded content, internal links and URLs. O […]

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Jun 17, 2021

Industry Trends

Social Media Platforms Creating AR Wearables

As social media platforms continue to evolve and develop new features, many are finding new ways to differentiate themselves from one another. As certain features become popular with consumers and social media platforms scramble to make their own versions, many platfo […]

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Jun 17, 2021

Social Media Marketing News

What are Twitter Impressions?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms globally. The simple but effective communication tool has 3 billion account holders, 330 million monthly users and key insights from 83% of world leaders.  Given its e […]

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Jun 17, 2021

Industry Trends

Sound on TikTok: How Brands Can Use Sound to Drive Impact

TikTok has defended its #1 download spot in iOS and Android app stores for over a year. TikTok is an entertainment platform that sparks creativity for millions of people around the world. It’s short-form video content has also changed the way we consume content.  […]

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Jun 14, 2021

Influencer News

Top 5 Influencer Marketing Trends

Influencer marketing has been one of the most effective forms of social media marketing for the last few years and this is set to continue. As platforms develop their content features, we are seeing influencers create new types of content and engage with their audienc […]

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Jun 14, 2021

Influencer News

What is Affiliate Marketing? Everything you need to know!

Affiliate marketing is the process by which someone (an affiliate) earns money (commissions) everytime they promote a company’s product or services and drive a sale. Affiliates are only paid when a sale is made, similar to commission-only sales representatives. […]

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Jun 14, 2021

Marketing News

Weekly Marketing News, 11th June 2021

This week we’ve seen huge Instagram updates, Wasteminister, viewer loyalty, TikTok ban dropped, Burger King trolls competitors, the impact of sound on TikTok, Facebook smartwatch and YouTube copyright changes.  What is this? […]

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Jun 11, 2021

Social Media Marketing News

Top 10 Instagram Trends in 2023

Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, 500 million of which check the platform every single day. It was also the platform where consumers spent most of their time during 2020. With such a large and active user base, it’s easy for businesses to get lost i […]

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