The Ultimate Guide To Developing A Unique Brand Identity

Oct 23, 2023

Social Media Marketing News

The Ultimate Guide To Developing A Unique Brand Identity

With new businesses cropping up every minute, the battle to stay on top and stick out may seem hopeless, but we’re here to tell you that it’s not!

So how do you get your brand to stand out amongst the crowd? Brand identity

Your brand identity is very similar to your personal identity. From the way you speak to the way you dress, you have quirks that make you different to the person next to you. Brand identity operates in the same way and allows your brand to stand out rather than blend in. 

We understand that there is a ton of jargon surrounding this subject, so let’s break it down a bit. 

Brand identity is the outward facing image and soul that a brand shows its audience. It is an amalgamation of tangible elements that all build a cohesive personality; your logo, the language you use online, your mascot, the way you respond to customers online and more. These all establish brand identity

Brand identity often gets mixed up with brand image and branding. 

Brand image is the visuals that your brand uses and is established by branding. For example, Coca Cola’s brand image is a red and white colour palette with a ribbon motif. This is established through their branding, such as their can design and logo. 

So, why do you care? 

Branding and identity are the key to having a successful business. It establishes customer loyalty, connection, and dictates how your audience views you. Creating a solid brand identity can power your sales and establish your brand as legitimate, trustworthy and authentic. 


A great way to figure out how to establish your own brand identity is to have a look at what other companies are doing. 

There are specific qualities that make a brand identity strong and successful; a clear colour palette, mission statement, face, and personality. Let’s have a look at some brands that have done a great job, and figure out what they’re doing right. 

Fenty Beauty 

Fenty Beauty has established a unique and strong brand identity for itself through clear marketing and values. Fenty caused waves in the beauty industry with its dedication to skincare inclusivity. It is primarily associated with having fifty shades of foundation; an astronomical feat in the beauty industry which typically only caters to lighter skin tones. 

Having a transparent and simple mission statement that Fenty has stuck to has allowed its consumers to view it as a trustworthy brand that deserves loyalty. 

brand identity: Fenty Beauty

Coca Cola 

Coca-Cola has created a strong brand identity that has withstood the test of time. 

There is an immediate association between hearing the name Coca-Cola and picturing its infamous red and white logo, the polar bear, or perhaps one of the many ad campaigns it hasput out over the years. 

By sticking to a clear colour palette and personality, Coca-Cola has established a comprehensive brand identity. It is a fun, afternoon drink, best enjoyed in the sun and with friends. 

This strong identity seeps into consumers’ self consciousness; when looking for an afternoon pick me up or a cold drink in the summer, most people reach for a Coke without even thinking about it. 


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Duolingo’s brand identity is so successful that we are now seeing dozens of other brands trying to emulate it. 

An online language tool, Duolingo surprised the world by building an identity based on humour that appeals to a young audience. The brand has created a character that champions its brand personality, and a clear brand design that is consistent across all platforms. Ask any Gen-Z consumer which brand owns the sassy, slightly terrifying green owl, and they will say Duolingo.

By staying prevalent in popular culture Duolingo remains at the forefront of consumers’ minds, meaning that if they ever seek language services they are going to picture Duolingo first. 


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Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens is all about encouraging customers to be rebellious and unique. Its black and yellow colour palette has remained consistent and effective for the six decades that it has been around; a fact it makes sure isn’t lost on its customers. 

Dr. Martens’s marketing focuses on showing real life people wearing its products, rather than models or over staged photo campaigns. This way, it comes across as genuine, inclusive and modern. These qualities are all a part of the Dr. Martens brand identity.  

brand identity: Dr. Martens


Alright, now that we’ve seen some brands that are hitting the brand identity ball out of the park, let’s see how you are going to join their ranks. 

Know Yourself 

Having a clear mission statement and company values is essential to having a consistent and successful brand identity. As we saw with Fenty, modern audiences increasingly associate your brand with your mission, and desire a brand whose values they can align with. 

On top of this, it is important to think about your unique positioning when establishing brand identity. What makes you different from other brands? What can you provide that they can’t? These are important pieces of your brand identity


Next, it’s time to think about your visuals. Brand visuals should work harmoniously with your values and enhance them. For example, Coca-Cola’s red and white palette suits their jovial brand personality. It would not make sense for their brand identity to have a droll and boring colour palette. 

Brand visuals extend beyond colour palette, however. Your visual identity is made up of your design assets. These are tangible elements that establish your brand perception. Put simply, things like your logo, packaging and social media graphics. 

The best way to go about this is to create a document with all your design elements, from colour palette to typography, and stick to it. This ensures that every time a customer sees your brand, they see the same visual aesthetic. 

Continuity in the way your brand presents itself creates a strong brand identity that speaks for itself.  

Integrate Your Brand on Social Media 

Once you have a clear mission and visual identity, it is time to present your brand to the world! 

Social media is an integral part of establishing brand identity due to the way it allows your brand to communicate with audiences. Duolingo is a fantastic example of this, as we saw. Duolingo uses social media to create brand personality through customer interactions, the language it uses and more. 

Ensure that the way your brand operates on social media aligns with your brand identity. You certainly would not see a luxury brand such as Chanel arguing with customers in comment sections, but this is commonplace for brands that have a casual persona such as Wendy’s. 

Understand What to Avoid 

Now that we have covered the do’s, let’s have a look at the don’ts. 

First off, make sure to avoid mixed messaging. So as not to confuse customers or disprove your legitimacy, it is best practice to have a clear mission statement and stick to it. Copying your competitors is also a big no no. We’ve said it once and we will say it again; uniqueness is the key to a great brand identity

Another mistake to steer clear of, is inconsistency between your online and offline personas. Ensure that the way you present your brand online is exactly the same as in person. Otherwise, your brand identity weakens and seems untrustworthy in its inconsistency. 

Finally, don’t try to put your brand where it doesn’t belong. Much like Chanel sticks to ritzy, posh language in its customer interactions, it also doesn’t try to appeal to humorous micro trends on TikTok. Sticking in your lane makes your brand identity more concrete and doesn’t provide your audience with mixed messages. 

Monitor and Maintain 

Finally, make sure to stay up to date on how your brand identity is faring out there in the big wide world. By using data analytics you can track how consumers are reacting to your brand identity. This allows you to quickly fix mistakes or take note of successes. 

Ultimately, a successful brand identity is one that is unique. Carve out a niche for your brand and stick to it. Standing out will benefit your brand immensely in the long run, and should be your main focus when establishing a brand identity

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Ella Proctor

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