SP Diaries #14: Chloe Crossley, Senior Account Manager

Aug 22, 2024


SP Diaries #14: Chloe Crossley, Senior Account Manager

From manning fashion shoots to mailing out products, our amazing Senior Account Managers wear many hats.

Chloe Crossley is an excellent example of this, spending her time jetting across London to influencer events as well as more traditional office roles.

Read on to find out how she got here, and what she loves about her role.

When did you start working at SP?

I starting working at SP in January 2024

What is your role?

Senior Account Manager

What does that entail?

I handle the day-to-day influencer management of various campaigns for one of SP’s biggest fashion clients, along with line managing junior team members.

What does an average week look like for you?

An average week involves end-to-end influencer campaign management for brands, from initial sourcing of suitable talent for campaigns, followed by negotiations, budgeting, contracting, content reviewing, scheduling posting and reporting. Some weeks I get to do cool things such as host large scale influencer events, and oversee influencer photoshoots for website content!

Why did you choose SP/ want to work for them?

SP has a lot of fashion and beauty clients which align perfectly with my personal interests!

What do you like about working at SP?

I like how friendly everyone is and the flexibility to work across multiple projects. There is never a dull day!

What do you like about working within this industry?

Getting to work with influencers my younger self would have fangirled over. (Who am I kidding, I still fangirl sometimes haha!)

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned across your career so far?

How to negotiate hard!

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome at SP?

Learning to manage many campaigns simultaneously; sometimes it feels like every task is a priority!

How has your career path/vision changed over the years?

I initially started my career working in social research for the government, but I realized I didn’t enjoy it. So I sat down and had a think about what things brought me joy- at the time it was watching YouTube, haha! Upon doing some research I realized there were people orchestrating the product placements I was seeing and thus I discovered influencer marketing as a newly emerging ‘real’ career path. I knew this was what I wanted to get into so I did a Masters degree in Marketing, focusing my dissertation on Influencer Marketing to help me get my foot in the door at my first influencer marketing internship. The rest is history!

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your role?

Be the type of manager you want to be managed by.

Our influencer marketing agency and social agency are located worldwide, with our agency network based in the USA, UK, UAE and China.

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Annette Klar

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