influencer gifting agency

Socially Powerful is a global influencer gifting agency renowned for its ability to seamlessly connect brands with influencers across multiple social platforms. Leveraging a robust network and advanced logistical capabilities, Socially Powerful enables brands to gift products to influencers at scale, ensuring targeted outreach that spans diverse demographics.

Socially Powerful's end-to-end service includes identifying suitable influencers, managing the gifting process, and tracking the impact of these collaborations. With a focus on maximizing the return on investment, the agency supports brands in building lasting relationships with influencers, fostering genuine endorsements, and ultimately boosting brand loyalty and sales.

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what we do

Influencer Gifting Agency

At Socially Powerful, influencer gifting forms a significant part of our influencer marketing agency’s approach, benefiting us and our clients. We provide solutions that connect brands with highly relevant influencers globally at speed and enable rapid influencer activation with our influencer marketing company.

Powered by Aria, our cutting-edge influencer marketing technology, we offer influencer identification, streamlined outreach automation, relationship management and campaign tracking, ensuring a tailored approach for every campaign.

Our influencer gifting process provides stringent vetting from our extensive database of over 200 million influencers, expansive outreach initiatives, and detailed reporting mechanisms. We continually enhance earned media value through iterative optimisation, fostering enduring partnerships with influencers that bolster brand visibility and audience engagement with maximum efficiency.

If you want to research more different channels within the influencer marketing agency vertical, we advice you to check out our Twitter/X influencer agencyTikTok influencer agencyYoutube influencer agencyFacebook influencer agency and Paid social agency.


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Influencer Search

Powered by our own influencer marketing technology, Aria, we have access to over 200 million influencer profiles across all social platforms for influencer gifting programmes.

Aria utilises prompt-based searching, which enables us to search for exactly what we're looking for, like a Google search, so we can pinpoint influencers to brand values in seconds.

Our technology scans images, so we can see content of what's in the picture, biographies for keywords, hashtags, captions and locations, making our influencer search the most powerful on the market and the ideal partner for influencer gifting programmes.


Product Gifting

At Socially Powerful, we specialize in running influencer gifting programs for leading global brands, catering to both large-scale initiatives reaching thousands of influencers and emerging brands seeking to establish their presence.

Our comprehensive services cover every aspect of the influencer gifting process, seamlessly managing influencer sourcing, negotiations, bespoke gifting strategies, content posting, and performance tracking.

Whether your campaign targets local markets, spans across national territories, or operates on a global scale, we orchestrate the entire influencer gifting process, alleviating any potential headaches for your brand.


Content Creation

In our influencer gifting campaigns, we uphold the principle of authenticity by ensuring that participating influencers are neither compensated nor obligated to create content or promote products positively on their social platforms. Their feedback remains entirely genuine and unbiased.

At Socially Powerful, we encourage creators to unleash their creativity, fully immerse themselves in the products they receive, and engage with the brand authentically. However, we cannot guarantee posting as it hinges on the organic engagement of the influencers.



Once influencers join our influencer gifting campaigns, they are seamlessly integrated into our advanced tracking technology. This enables us to monitor their posts meticulously, ensuring that any mention of the brand is promptly identified. This tracking process offers both us and your brand the assurance that all relevant content is captured, providing clear insights into the campaign's return on investment (ROI).



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Influencer gifting is a marketing strategy where brands send products to influencers as gifts, hoping these influencers will share their genuine experiences with the products on their social platforms. This approach helps brands increase their visibility and credibility by leveraging the influencers' reach and authentic engagement with their followers. Influencer gifting creates a win-win situation, where influencers receive free products and brands gain organic exposure and potential endorsements.

An influencer gifting agency specializes in connecting brands with influencers through strategic gifting programs. These agencies manage the entire process, from identifying and vetting relevant influencers to coordinating the delivery of products and tracking the campaign's success. By working with an influencer gifting agency, brands can efficiently reach their target demographics and enhance their social media presence with minimal effort.

The benefits of influencer gifting include increased brand visibility, authentic product endorsements, and enhanced social media engagement. By gifting products to influencers, brands can tap into new audiences and build trust through genuine recommendations. Influencer gifting also helps foster long-term relationships with influencers, which can lead to ongoing collaboration and sustained brand loyalty. This approach is cost-effective compared to traditional advertising, offering a high return on investment.

Socially Powerful's influencer gifting process involves several key steps to ensure effective and impactful campaigns. First, we use our advanced technology, Aria, to identify and vet relevant influencers from a database of over 200 million profiles. We then manage outreach and coordinate the gifting process, ensuring seamless delivery of products. Throughout the campaign, we track performance metrics to provide detailed insights and optimize results. Our comprehensive approach ensures that each campaign is tailored to the brand's specific goals and target audience.

Brands across various industries, such as fashion, beauty, technology, lifestyle, and more, can benefit from influencer gifting. Whether a brand is well-established or emerging, influencer gifting can help increase visibility and credibility. By partnering with an influencer gifting agency, brands can effectively reach their target audiences and create authentic connections through influencers who genuinely appreciate and endorse their products.

Influencer gifting campaigns can target a wide range of social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and more. The choice of platform depends on the brand's goals and the demographics of the target audience. An influencer gifting agency can help determine the most effective platforms for each campaign, ensuring that the brand's message reaches the right audience in the most impactful way.

The difference between influencer gifting and influencer marketing lies in the nature of the relationship and the expectations involved. Influencer gifting involves sending products to influencers without any obligation to post or promote them, relying on organic engagement and genuine endorsements. In contrast, influencer marketing typically involves paid partnerships where influencers are contracted to create specific content and promote the brand. While both strategies aim to leverage influencers' reach and influence, influencer gifting focuses on authenticity and voluntary promotion, whereas influencer marketing is more structured and transactional.

Yes, Socially Powerful is recognized as a leading influencer gifting agency in the UK. The agency offers comprehensive services that cover every aspect of the influencer gifting process, including sourcing, negotiations, bespoke gifting strategies, content posting, and performance tracking. With a strong presence in London, Socially Powerful leverages its strategic location to stay connected with the latest trends and cultural movements, ensuring that their campaigns are always relevant and impactful. Do you want to know more? Then check out our guide about influencer marketing agencies in the United Kingdom.

Yes, Socially Powerful is recognized as a leading influencer gifting agency in the USA. The agency offers comprehensive influencer gifting services, which include sourcing influencers, managing negotiations, crafting bespoke gifting strategies, overseeing content creation, and tracking performance. Socially Powerful's extensive network of influencers across the United States spans various niches, ensuring they can match brands with influencers who align with their target audience and campaign goals. Do you want to know more? Then check out our guide about influencer marketing agencies in the United States.

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