influencer seeding agency

Socially Powerful is a global leader in influencer seeding, specializing in enabling brands to gift products to target markets with unparalleled scale and speed. Leveraging the power of our proprietary influencer marketing technology, Aria, we streamline and optimize the entire seeding process. Aria's advanced capabilities allow us to identify, connect, and engage with the most relevant influencers for each brand, ensuring that products reach the right audiences effectively.

Our comprehensive services cover every aspect of influencer seeding, from sourcing and negotiating with influencers to crafting bespoke gifting strategies and managing content creation. We prioritize authenticity and genuine engagement, encouraging influencers to immerse themselves in the products they receive and share their honest experiences with their followers.

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what we do

Influencer Seeding Agency

At Socially Powerful, influencer seeding is an integral part of our agency and our clients. We offer end-to-end solutions to connect brands with hyper-relevant influencers at scale globally. Leveraging Aria, our influencer marketing technology for influencer identification, automation for outreach, and relationship management, we ensure a personalized approach to each campaign.

Our method includes rigorous vetting for precision targeting from our over 200 million influencers database, scaled outreach programs, and comprehensive reporting with iterative optimization to increase earned media value. This scalable influencer agency solution fosters long-term relationships with influencers, driving brand awareness and engagement efficiently and effectively.

If you want to research more different channels within the influencer marketing agency vertical, we advice you to check out our Twitter/X influencer agencyTikTok influencer agencyYoutube influencer agencyFacebook influencer agency and Paid social agency.


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Award-Winning Agency

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Influencer Search

Powered by our own influencer marketing technology, Aria, we have access to over 200 million influencer profiles across all social platforms.

Aria utilises prompt-based searching, which enables us to search for exactly what we're looking for, like a Google search, so we can pinpoint influencers to brand values in seconds.

Our technology scans images, so we can see content of what's in the picture, biographies for keywords, hashtags, captions and locations, making our influencer search the most powerful on the market.


Product Seeding

We run influencer seeding programmes for the world's most prominent brands, where we are seeding product to thousands of influencers at a time, through to brands looking to make their mark.

Every part of the influencer seeding process is handled by Socially Powerful, from influencer sourcing, influencer discussions, product seeding design, posting and tracking.

This can be done on a local and national level, through to global influencer seeding programmes. We handle everything and remove any unnecessary headaches that you as a brand may encounter.


Content Creation

Any influencer that engages with a seeding campaign are never paid for and are under no obligation to create content or post positively about it on their social channels. Everything is authentic and feedback will be completely honest.

Socially Powerful will empower creators to be as creative as they like, actively use the products they have been sent, engage with the brand, but we can never guarantee posting due to the nature of the engagement.



Upon engaging with the influencers, they are entered into our campaign tracking technology, so we can track any posts they make and catch anything that mentions the brand. This gives us and you as a brand safe in the knowledge that anything that gets posted will be caught by our bespoke tracking technology and you can see the ROI.



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Influencer seeding is a strategic marketing approach where brands gift their products to carefully selected influencers in hopes of generating organic promotion and authentic engagement. This process involves identifying influencers whose audience aligns with the brand's target market and sending them products to try, use, and potentially share with their followers.

Influencer seeding works by identifying and reaching out to influencers who align with a brand’s values and target audience. The process begins with thorough research to find the right influencers. Brands then send their products to these influencers without any obligation for a positive review or a post. The authenticity of the influencers' feedback can generate genuine interest and trust among their followers. This method not only amplifies brand awareness but also fosters authentic connections with potential customers through trusted voices in their communities.

An influencer seeding agency specializes in facilitating and managing the process of influencer seeding for brands. These agencies leverage their expertise and technology to identify suitable influencers, coordinate product send-outs, and track the resulting engagement and impact. By using an influencer seeding agency, brands can efficiently connect with influencers at scale, ensuring a seamless and effective execution of their seeding campaigns. Agencies like Socially Powerful provide end-to-end solutions that maximize the reach and effectiveness of influencer marketing efforts.

Engaging an influencer seeding agency offers numerous benefits, including access to a vast network of influencers, expert knowledge in matching brands with the right influencers, and streamlined management of the entire seeding process. Such agencies utilize advanced technologies to ensure precise targeting and efficient outreach, saving brands time and resources. Additionally, they provide comprehensive reporting and analytics, allowing brands to measure the impact and ROI of their campaigns accurately. By leveraging an influencer seeding agency, brands can achieve higher engagement, increased brand awareness, and authentic connections with their target audience.

Socially Powerful's influencer seeding technology, Aria, stands out for its advanced capabilities in influencer identification and campaign management. Aria provides access to over 200 million influencer profiles across all major social platforms, utilizing prompt-based searching to pinpoint influencers who align perfectly with brand values. The technology's ability to scan images, biographies, keywords, hashtags, and locations ensures highly accurate and relevant matches. This powerful tool streamlines the entire process, from outreach to tracking, making Socially Powerful's influencer seeding campaigns highly effective and efficient.

Choosing the right influencers for product seeding involves a meticulous process of research and analysis. At Socially Powerful, we leverage our advanced technology, Aria, to search through over 200 million influencer profiles. We consider factors such as audience demographics, engagement rates, content quality, and alignment with brand values. By analyzing these elements, we can identify influencers who are not only relevant to the brand but also have the potential to create meaningful and impactful content. This precision ensures that the products reach the most suitable influencers, maximizing the campaign's effectiveness.

Socially Powerful ensures authentic influencer engagement by fostering genuine relationships with influencers and emphasizing transparency and honesty. Influencers involved in our seeding campaigns are not paid and are under no obligation to post positive reviews, which encourages honest and authentic feedback. We empower influencers to use and engage with the products creatively, reflecting their true opinions and experiences. This approach builds trust between the brand and the influencers' audience, resulting in more genuine and impactful engagement.

Yes, Socially Powerful is recognized as a top influencer seeding agency in the UK. The agency excels in enabling brands to effectively gift products to targeted influencers, ensuring widespread reach and engagement. Their comprehensive services include sourcing and vetting influencers, managing outreach, creating memorable unboxing experiences, and tracking the performance of influencer posts to provide clear insights into campaign ROI. Socially Powerful leverages its advanced influencer marketing technology, Aria, to streamline the entire seeding process, ensuring efficient and impactful campaigns. Do you want to know more? Then check out our guide about influencer marketing agencies in the UK.

Yes, Socially Powerful is recognized as a leading influencer seeding agency in the USA. The agency offers comprehensive influencer seeding services that connect brands with the most relevant influencers, allowing them to distribute products efficiently and at scale. Their advanced influencer marketing technology, Aria, plays a crucial role in streamlining the seeding process, from identifying and engaging influencers to tracking and analyzing campaign performance. Socially Powerful's approach ensures authentic and organic engagement, with influencers encouraged to creatively use and share their experiences with the products. Do you want to know more? Then check out our guide about influencer marketing agencies in the US.

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