SP Diaries #15: Rob Whelan, Associate Account Director

Sep 05, 2024


SP Diaries #15: Rob Whelan, Associate Account Director

From project management to social media reporting, our account directors here at Socially Powerful work across a wide range of roles.

As such, they often come from diverse backgrounds; from journalism degrees to experience in other industries, Socially Powerful has seen it all.

One such person, is Rob Whelan. In his first year here at Socially Powerful, Rob has learnt a manner of lessons, big and small. Let’s hear what he had to say about Socially Powerful and the journey he took to get here.

When did you start working at SP?

Just over a year ago, in July 2023

What is your role?

I’m an Associate Account Director

What does that entail?

Many things, project oversight and management, reporting and data analysis, creative and content ideation, budget and media planning, it’s a role that really gets you involved in all aspects of the company, which I love. 

What does an average week look like for you?

Day to day i’m managing a number of different projects in a number of different capacities. On some clients i’m focusing on data analysis and reporting to allow for informed strategy evolution, on others i’m in more of an oversight role, helping one of our talented pitch teams pull together a best in class proposal with strong creative solutions and competitive budget packages. Some weeks are busier than others, but overall I have a wide variety of roles and responsibilities that I feel really help contribute to the ongoing success of the agency. 

Why did you choose SP/ want to work for them?

Having been in the industry as long as I have, and having worked at every type of agency there is, culture is a big selling point for me. Somewhere, that’s inclusive and not cliquey, collaborative, and allows all voices to be heard. Somewhere that looks to nurture and progress talent, and has a great roster of clients. Socially Powerful felt like it embodied all of these traits, and I’m delighted that a year later I can confirm my instincts were correct. 

What do you like about working at SP?

There is a real family feel, which you don’t have to be here long to feel part of. Given the core group have been with the agency for so long, it would be very easy to feel outside of the inner circle, but that’s simply not the case. There’s a strong culture of collaboration, with everyone given equal opportunity to contribute to creative and strategy. The agency also has a forward-thinking and innovative approach to what we do, always looking at new and exciting ways to deliver for our clients, like ARIA. For me personally, the opportunity to work across a broad spectrum of clients in a variety of different roles, keeps my job exciting and fulfilling. 

What do you like about working within this industry?

Influencer and Social is something that’s interested me for years now. The idea, with influencer marketing especially, that a person-to-person recommendation holds much more weight when it comes to the brands and products we choose, just makes sense to me. Marrying that with platforms like TikTok opens up countless opportunities for creativity, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing content that we’ve put time and effort into producing, resonating with audiences. 

Why did you choose this industry to get into?

I studied Journalism at University, but never saw it as my route into the world of work. My Uncle has been in the marketing industry for years, and always said that it would be an area I would thrive in, especially as Social Media had become a big area of growth within the industry. Influencer followed soon after, and I knew that I had found something that I could really throw myself into. Nearly 10 years later and i’m still having so much fun working on campaigns with some amazing brands with some amazing people. 

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned across your career so far?

Don’t be afraid to speak up, but make sure you also listen. I love to talk, so have had to really work at my active listening, and ensuring that I give everyone, especially the people more junior than me, their chance to contribute. It’s often in those situations that magic happens, and great ideas come to life. Always try and make sure every voice in the room is heard, including your own. 

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome at SP?

Not overcomplicating things. Sometimes I can get carried away with the ideas I have for a project or proposal, and end up trying to add too many strings to the bow. Remembering that sometimes it’s best to KISS (keep it simple stupid), and not to go off on too many tangents, has helped with this significantly. 

How has your career path/vision changed over the years?

I’d say it hasn’t really, i’m not sure if social/influencer will be something I do forever, but at the moment if feels like the right place to be. My life my take me on a different path, you don’t know what the future holds, but for now I know my future is at Socially Powerful, and my immediate hope is that I can keep going from strength to strength to the point I become an essential cog in this social and influencer machine! 

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your role?

Listen and learn. There is a wealth of information and experience at most agencies you go to, as long as you keep yourself open to it. That and don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is part of the learning process, and without it you’ll never progress. 

Our influencer marketing agency and social agency are located worldwide, with our agency network based in the USA, UK, UAE and China.

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Annette Klar

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