SP Diaries #16: Josie Colvin, Junior Account Executive
Oct 03, 2024

What is your first year at Socially Powerful really like?
We sat down with Josie Colvin to find out all the tips and tricks she learned along the way.
Read on to find out what she had to say!
When did you start working at SP?
I started my role at SP in April.
What is your role?
I am Junior Account Executive.
What does that entail?
I mainly work on the influencer side of things which includes finding the perfect influencers for a campaign, reaching out to them and negotiating their fees, hopping on a call with them to discuss what content we want them to create and then working alongside them by reviewing their content and getting it completed.
What does an average week look like for you?
Busy but in the best ways! My week is usually filled with writing my SP blog post (which you can find on our website 😉), sourcing the ideal creators, attending exciting creatives where we brainstorm as a team and help inspire each other and working on decks, making them look fabulous and presentable to clients.
Why did you choose SP/ want to work for them?
SP was the first and only agency I wanted to work for because I have a strong interest in fashion and beauty and therefore wanted to work on these areas. After doing my research, SP stood out the most, mainly for their clients being in the fashion and beauty industries, as well as being a very successful and fast growing agency, therefore, everything I wanted to be a part of!
What do you like about working at SP?
I love the people, the office environment, the opportunities given and the confidence everyone has in each other! The team is very supportive and positive, making it a very welcoming working environment whilst also pushing you to achieve the best you can!
What do you like about working within this industry?
I love the creative side of the industry, such as working on new campaigns, creating powerful decks which are presented to clients and brainstorming content to use for our clients.
Why did you choose this industry to get into?
I chose this industry because I wanted to be involved in social media. I already spent the majority of my time on TikTok and Instagram, watching ads, seeing new campaigns, discovering new influencers and following fashion and beauty trends. When I realised this could become a part of my daily life and it would count as my job, I obviously leapt at the opportunity.
What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned across your career so far?
One of the most important things I have learnt is the importance of listening to the people you work with. At SP we spend a lot of our time doing group projects, working on a pitch together or working on a client together, and I have realised it is so important listening to colleagues ideas, feedback and opinions. They can inspire your own ideas and boost your creativity further!
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome at SP?
The biggest challenge I have overcome at SP has been multitasking, being able to prioritise work and complete numerous tasks at a high level. It is very easy to say yes to each task you are presented with as you don’t want to disappoint, however, I have learnt it is best to focus on the important ones and delivering them at a high standard.
How has your career path/vision changed over the years?
When I graduated university I was set on working in fashion PR, I worked as an intern for a fashion PR agency where I learnt so much, however, it didn’t fully meet my expectations. When I realised I could combine my love for fashion, beauty and social media at SP, I didn’t need to look any further!
What advice would you give to someone starting out in your role?
Enjoy it! It can seem overwhelming in the beginning but there is so much to learn and SP has so much to offer, therefore, take all opportunities given to you as you never know what you can learn from them.
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