SP Diaries #11: Emily-Rose Holland, Junior Account Executive
Jul 11, 2024

One of the best things about working in a creative industry such as marketing, is getting the opportunity to work alongside people who have studied such a range of diverse degrees.
Many of our team members here at Socially Powerful did not set out on their career journey aiming for marketing, but instead were drawn in by its allure.
One such person, is Emily-Rose Holland.
A recent joiner, we spoke with Emily-Rose to hear about why she chose Socially Powerful, and the journey that brought her here.
When did you start working at SP?
Very recently! I started at SP at the end of April this year!
What is your role?
Junior Account Executive.
What does that entail?
What doesn’t it entail! The possibilities are endless in this role. I get to work across numerous divisions doing a bunch of different tasks from brainstorming creative ideas to liaising with influencers for fashion shoots.
What does an average week look like for you?
It’s so hard to say, as everyday really does differ and every week can look so different! But typically speaking I work at the fleet street office monday-thursday and from home on fridays. My week will include working on client proposals, scouting influencers, brainstorming creative ideas, trend searching and cultural brailing, industry research, and getting copious amounts of joe and the juices.
Why did you choose SP/ want to work for them?
I love SP’s innovative ethos. I feel as though the company as a whole has a limitless and progressive, collective mindset which aligns well with my personality and goals. Plus I love that the office is dog friendly!
What do you like about working at SP?
I love that the job is hugely creative, however always underpinned with method and data. Plus my personal passion lies in fashion and beauty and a lot of the clients I’m currently working with are within these industries which is so fun!
What do you like about working within this industry?
I love that social media is one of the most quickly evolving and ever-changing industries, meaning work is always exciting and requires constant innovation and creativity to stay ahead of the game and stand out. When you arrive in the morning, the social media status quo can be so different from when you left last night, and it’s this unpredictability that I love.
Why did you choose this industry to get into?
I’m a hugely creative person and have always enjoyed idea generation which I think suited me well to marketing. I wanted to go into something creative but also underpinned by business.
What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned across your career so far?
The value of being adaptable, disciplined, open-minded and always staying positive.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome at SP?
I haven’t been here long enough to give one big example of a challenge I’ve overcome but my time management and ability to prioritise have definitely improved whilst working here so far.
How has your career path/vision changed over the years?
This is such an interesting question for me as I actually trained as a professional ballerina up until I was 18, which seems worlds apart from where I am now. After I decided I didn’t want to continue dancing I brainstormed what other passions I had which included fitness, nutrition, fashion & social media. After some deliberation I went onto study fashion marketing and it was during this course that I realised I wanted to work at an agency that deals with lots of different clients in lots of different industries and also that I wanted to focus on social media as a niche. It’s been such a whirlwind, these past 5 years, but i’m forever grateful that everything i’ve ever done has landed me where I am today!
What advice would you give to someone starting out in your role?
Have a positive, limitless mindset that welcomes opportunity and be confident that you can achieve anything you believe in. Also stay adaptable as when things don’t go to plan (which is all the time), that’s often when great things happen.
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